Discover the CINI handbook

All knowledge of CINI is bundled in the CINI manual. Through this website the latest version of the CINI manual can be ordered. There is also the possibility to take a 2-day CINI course. This course is specially designed for clients, supervisors, inspectors, design and maintenance engineers and facility managers. Check out the next 2-day CINI course on the NCTI website!

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CINI manual “Insulation for industry”

The CINI manual is a reference book for everyone who deals with (technical) insulation in the industry.

Every year the CINI handbook is updated.

As a user, you can easily find your way in the CINI manual. Useful search paths  quickly lead you to the chapter with the information you’re looking for. The manual contains many illustrations of insulation systems for very hot to extremely cold (cryogenic) insulation as well as acoustic insulation.

The latest CINI manual can be ordered here, you can choose from: